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Santa Cruz Branch Line


Santa Cruz Branch Line

Biggs Cardosa provided technical assistance to the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (SCCRTC) in support of their proposed acquisition from UPRR of the 31-mile long Santa Cruz Branch line between the cities of Pajaro and Davenport.  The structural scope of work included field reviews and preliminary structural assessments of all major bridge and culvert structures along the Branch Line.  The Branch Line includes a total of twenty-nine (29) Railroad Bridge Crossings consisting of a total of thirty-eight (38) separate Railroad Bridge Structures.  As the SCCRTC/UPRR acquisition process extended several years, Biggs Cardosa was again retained by the SCCRTC to provide capital and maintenance cost escalation estimates to support the SCCRTC in their negotiations with UPRR.



Santa Cruz, CA


Transportation - Studies/Programming Projects