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Old Mountain View-Alviso Road Bridge


Old Mountain View-Alviso Road Bridge Replacement (HBP)

Biggs Cardosa was the prime consultant providing project management and structural engineering for the replacement of a structurally deficient bridge due to severe deck cracking and spalling, delaminated concrete, speckled rust and flaking on steel members and inadequate bicycle and pedestrian access and being within the 100-year floodplain.  The new bridge is 52 feet wide and has two 12-foot-wide traffic lanes, as well as shoulders, bike lanes and sidewalks. Its pavement is new, as is its floodwalls, curb, gutter and street lights. The bridge also has been “elevated to meet the Santa Clara Valley Water District’s requirements for design flood clearance in Calabazas Creek.  The project is shared with the city of Santa Clara and the city of Sunnyvale and is a great example of the coordination between agencies to successfully complete a critical project.

proj trans old mt view alviso


Sunnyvale, CA


Transportation - Highway Projects