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Leimert Boulevard Bridge


Leimert Boulevard Bridge over Sausal Creek

The Leimert Bridge is a fixed arch bridge, spanning Dimond Canyon. Completed in 1926, the concrete and steel bridge is 357 feet long and 117 feet high. At the time it was constructed, Leimert Bridge was considered to be the largest fixed arch bridge on the West Coast. The Leimert Boulevard Bridge was designated as a landmark of special historical, cultural, aesthetic or engineering interest, or value of a historic nature, by the City of Oakland in 1980 and denoted as eligible for the Caltrans Historic Bridge Inventory in 2004. Biggs Cardosa performed a peer review on the originally proposed bridge retrofit design of the Leimert Boulevard Bridge over Sausal Creek. Subsequent to the peer review effort, Biggs Cardosa was selected by the City to provide project management and structural engineering services to redesign the seismic retrofit of this historic bridge and implement the proposed alternative retrofit strategy.



Oakland, CA


Transportation - Historic Projects