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Caltrain Santa Clara Station PUC Ext.


Caltrain Santa Clara Station Pedestrian Undercrossing

The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority proposed and constructed an 83-foot long undercrossing to serve as a connection to a new Caltrain station platform, extending the undercrossing that was currently being constructed by Caltrans. Biggs Cardosa was selected to provide project management and structural design for a 35% level PS&E which included a preliminary engineering report, 35% plans, a preliminary cost estimate, a preliminary construction schedule, and support services in coordination with UPRR. Under a separate contract, Biggs Cardosa was selected to lead a multi-disciplined team to provide a complete PS&E package and technical support for the successful construction of the PUC extension. This project was received the 2018 ACEC GOLDEN STATE AWARD and 2018 APWA Project of the Year Award.

proj trans santaclarastationpuc1


Santa Clara, CA


Transportation - Pedestrian-Bicycle Projects